Caffè Vergnano

Caffè Vergnano is an Italian company from Turin founded in 1882. Considered to be the oldest coffee company in Italy among the large coffee roasters.

Caffè Vergnano

In this Caffè Vergnano outdoor, compostable capsules are promoted. Through the headline “It is compostable” with the “È” characteristic of Caffè Vergnano combined with the packshot and “symbolically” the soil, this outdoor is composed.

This is the description on the company’s website: “Each capsule is also compostable. What does that mean? Compostable capsules are made of biodegradable material and, after use, you can dispose of them in the organic waste collection, in total respect for the environment.”

Source: Caffè Vergnano/Wikipedia | There are registered third party trademarks.

Outdoor horizontal and vertical. Headline: “It’s compostable”.

This is a university project. Covered by copyright with third party elements.